Got time for a story about me and how I got here?

Hey there, and thank you for stopping by! My name is Honey Wesley and yes, I’m living a magical life and loving it! No, of course it’s not real magic, but honestly, sometimes it feels like it!

 But it wasn’t always this way…

Imagine this…you’ve been working from home in a job you enjoy for five and a half years, and have been in the same industry for the last decade. You finally decide it’s time to stop paying rent and buy a house. After searching for about a year, you finally find a great house, buy it, and move in. Life is good.

Three months after you move in your new house, you lose your job, and the next paycheck will be your last. It’s only three months until Christmas, you have no savings to speak of, and you can’t replace that comfy income with an entry level j.o.b. anywhere. Oh, and you’re a 62 year old grandmother. What would you do? Annnnddd go! LOL!

Well, that’s exactly what happened to me, and here’s what I did. I spent almost a week crying, feeling completely lost and scared spitless about my future. I wavered back and forth between feeling overwhelmingly sorry for myself and angrily raging against the universe about the unfairness of life.

Once that was out of my system, I dried my tears and started freelance writing again, this time with a fierce determination. I quickly decided this was the perfect opportunity to pursue my years’ long dream of helping small to medium-size local businesses become more successful, increase their profits and expand their customer base.

I had more than10 years of online marketing experience under my belt from working side-by-side for two very successful Internet marketers. That experience taught me more about digital marketing first-hand than most college graduates who spend four years and thousands of dollars getting a degree in it.

Over the next four years I supported myself by working with a diverse variety of clients, helping them grow their business through content marketing.

I finally decided after helping so many other people grow their dream business, it was time to build my own. So that’s what I’m doing. You see, writing for clients paid the bills, and I’m grateful for each and every one I worked with, but that wasn’t my dream.

When I finally figured out my dream, that’s when the real magic started happening. And if you hang out with me for too long, it’ll likely happen to you too. I’ll brainwash you into believing in yourself and knowing you can achieve anything, just like I did!




Honey Wesley